Servare et Manere (Acronym: SeM) is a Slovak non-governmental and nonprofit association, with a civic association legal personality based in Žilina town, Slovakia, European Union. The association was founded in 2010 by Marek Sobola and Stanislav Mikolaj in the Podhorie village near Žilina. The organization was originally founded to promote cultural and historical monuments in Slovakia, including their restoration and reconstruction. Since 2018, following the establishment of the international Tree of Peace project, the main role of Servare et Manere is to support activities related to the development of peace and friendship at the international and domestic levels. Throughout its history, the association has been involved in several international projects and is also involved in publishing activities. Only Marek Sobola has been active in the association since 2021. In the summer 2022, Servare et Manere has been granted a Special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC.

Small coat of arms of SeM

Flag of SeM
The organization is registered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic under №: VVS/1-900/90-35334. In 2022, the association amended its constitution to work even better on its main mission, which is promotion of peace and friendship between nations and to raise awareness of global environmental issues.
Servare et Manere has received official permission to use the brand called “GOOD IDEA SLOVAKIA – IDEAS FROM SLOVAKIA”. Under the brand name “GOOD IDEA SLOVAKIA”, Slovakia as a country presents itself at home and abroad. The Trademark License is granted by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The brand is used in connection with the implementation of the international project Tree of Peace.